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Brio Premier 14" Inline U-Type Alkafuse Alkaline Water Filter
- This U-type inline replacement filter is a high-performance product that is sized at 14 inches.
- This filter removes dirt, rust and sediment from water to provide users with exceptional drinking water.
- This filter has been performance tested and verified by industry-leading professionals and serves an essential role in a reverse osmosis water filtration system.
- Product has a long service life of 6 to 12 months depending on how heavily a RO filtration system is used.
- This standard replacement filter is ideal for commercial reverse osmosis systems.
- This Alkafuse U-type inline filter is a high-performance product for commercial reverse osmosis water filtration systems. It has been performance tested and verified by industry professionals and serves an essential role in a RO system as it ensures that even the smallest bacteria and contaminants are unable to make it into purified water. It has a high flow rate and a low pressure drop and is protected by an outer wrap that significantly increase the useful life of the filter.