Sediment filter Ecosoft FP 1054



Ecosoft FP Sediment Filter prolongs the service life of home appliances and heating system by eliminating silt, sand, rust and scale. The filter is perfect for houses, hotels, cafes, restaurants, boilers and industrial processes. The reliable filter features high-quality Clack Corporation components, allowing for long-term use. The filter is user friendly and presents the consumer with an advanced control valve and an easy programming procedure. The capacity of the Ecosoft FP 1054 CT filter is up to 0.6 m³/h.

Ecosoft FP Sediment Filter includes:

  • Fully assembled Ecosoft WS 1.0" CT control valve (control valve, DLFC, top distributor, AC transformer, funnel)
  • Filter tank (with riser pipe and bottom distributor)
  • Filter media

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